From Bad To Cursed Pdf Download

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Have you ever looked at yourself on the mirror and disliked what you saw? You probably didn't even look that bad, but because you felt like scrutinizing every single detail of your features and comparing it to everybody you know, suddenly you deem your eyes too far apart or too close together; your nose too small or too crooked; you cheekbones way too high and what the hell did you do to
Not meaning to start the review with a deeply intrusive and definitely impolite question, but doing so anyway:Have you ever looked at yourself on the mirror and disliked what you saw? You probably didn't even look that bad, but because you felt like scrutinizing every single detail of your features and comparing it to everybody you know, suddenly you deem your eyes too far apart or too close together; your nose too small or too crooked; you cheekbones way too high and what the hell did you do to your hair to make it hate you so much?
What about school? How's that going for you? Are you forever stuck in mediocrity, poster boy/girl for averageness? Or maybe you have less friends than you could count in one hand - let alone real ones - and your social life is so dead it's starting to smell.
What if it could all end, though?
What if you could just swear an oath, recite some crap in gaelic - forget that it has a meaning that you have no idea of - and make all your insecurities, your uncertainties go away?
You could be beautiful. You could be popular. Hell, you could be fucking rich! Everything you could ever want, one barely pronounceable oath away. Would you do it?
Alexis would. Kasey, her sister, has returned from the mental institute she spent ten months in after the events on Bad Girls Don't Die, and now she's starting high school. Alexis knows it's going to be a massacre. Kasey wasn't that good with people and, for all everyone knew, after having just returned from a nuthouse she certainly wasn't any popular either. But suddenly, she is. Now Kasey has a posse, and she dresses in beautiful clothes, gets the best grades and sits on practically the best table. Alexis doesn't want to believe her sister has gotten herself mixed up with the paranormal again, but the signs are all there and so she joins Kasey's Sunshine Club to investigate what is going on, not knowing she could lose her life - and her soul - in the process.
This book, man. I really, really enjoyed it and it was probably the most fun i've had with a book this year, Paranormalcy aside. The writing was very fluid, the plot was amazing and the characters never disappointed me. Alexis is, in my opinion, a badass but not because she did anything insane like kicking down doors or shooting people in the face, but because she's smart and sarcastic and a total hypocrite, like most other characters in most other books. The difference is, she totally knows it.
Now, I might not have lived long, but I've lived enough to give you the following bit of wisdom: the world is separated between hypocrites that admit to being so, and hypocrites who claim to have no idea what that's all about.
It's not bitterness and it's not because I'm one of those people-hating hipsters who think life is a jungle and it's every man for himself; it's just a fact. You, me, the person you love the most, the person you wouldn't mind hearing died in a fire; we're all hypocrites because at one point or another - or at various points, most likely - we condemned someone for doing something we ourselves have done, thought we should have done or that someone else ought to have done even if we wouldn't.
It's life. And it kinda pisses me off that most characters in books are always the kind of hypocrites who pretend not to be. It gets old really fast and so it was a breath of fresh air that in this series, Alexis has always been like this, a person who knows that she's constantly annoyed at other people for doing things she herself has done. I loved this book for tons of other reasons but mainly because of how likable and relatable Alexis is.
Also, because I don't know what I would have done in her place. If I could stop having to worry about my appearance, my grades, my social life and basically every other issue that worries me - and all I had to do in return was let some entity occasionally tell me what to do and what to say, I like to think I would still say no, but since it won't ever happen, I have no idea.
Still, it's food for thought, right?
Dear My Library;
I finally made a personal request to the library and they ordered it for me.
Nevermind! :D
Dear My Library;
I finally made a personal request to the library and they ordered it for me.
Nevermind! :D

Anyway, Bad Girls Don't Die: From Bad to Cursed is full of evil teenagers. A sequel to Bad Girls Don't Die, a book I absolutely loved, the story brings back pink-haired Alexis Warren, and her formerly possessed sister Kasey who has just been sprung from a mental institution.
Kasey's reappearance has Alexis on edge (she did try to kill the entire family) and threatens to derail what had been shaping up to be an excellent school year. Her siste
Evil teenagers. Isn't that redundant? Oh, just kidding.Anyway, Bad Girls Don't Die: From Bad to Cursed is full of evil teenagers. A sequel to Bad Girls Don't Die, a book I absolutely loved, the story brings back pink-haired Alexis Warren, and her formerly possessed sister Kasey who has just been sprung from a mental institution.
Kasey's reappearance has Alexis on edge (she did try to kill the entire family) and threatens to derail what had been shaping up to be an excellent school year. Her sister is sullen, at best, resenting the suspicious way Alexis looks at her, and she is understandably reluctant to go back to school. If kids will make fun over you over lame things like a haircut or an outfit, Kasey knows, a year in a mental institution is sure to be excellent mocking material.
Surprisingly, however, Kasey is welcomed by a group of girls including a new student, one of Alexis' old friends, and even Kasey's former BFF, a girl whose arm she broke in the first book. Together, the girls meet regularly at one another's homes and form a club that focuses on self-improvement. So everything is OK, right?
We're all too smart to believe that. Alexis investigates further - using both her intelligence and a Ouija board - and realizes that these little models of perfection are messing with things better left alone. Afraid that her sister will end up trotting down the same supernatural path that almost got them all killed in the first book, Alexis begins attending the meetings herself. And that's when everything in her life starts going incredibly...right - and that is so wrong.
Will Alexis have the strength to look beyond all of the amazing new gifts she has received in order to fight a force that seems stronger than all of them? I guess you'll just have to read it for yourself.
Read more about this book and other YA titles on my blog:
From Bad to Cursed had a very Stepford Wives vibe going on and I loved it. The perfect little Sunshine Club was creepy! The ending is very suspenseful but it leaves you with a giant cliffhanger and I can't wait to read the next book.
The second installment of Alender's Bad Girls Don't Die series, in my opinion, is every bit as good as the first. Maybe even better.From Bad to Cursed had a very Stepford Wives vibe going on and I loved it. The perfect little Sunshine Club was creepy! The ending is very suspenseful but it leaves you with a giant cliffhanger and I can't wait to read the next book.
I mentioned before in my review of the first novel, Bad Girls Don't Die, that horror novels are tricky to pull o
Blending horror and humor, From Bad To Cursed is sure to be unforgettable. Taking all the amazing elements of the first installment and amping up the stakes for this newest addition, it is the perfect novel to read just after dark, with every single light in the house on. From it's characters to it's break-neck plot, From Bad To Cursed is original and yet, somehow, completely familiar.I mentioned before in my review of the first novel, Bad Girls Don't Die, that horror novels are tricky to pull off without strong leads. Alexis's got that covered and then some. She's never been the girl that runs blindly into something because the plot calls for it. She strives to know what she's dealing with and is brave enough to do something about her situation. As a newly reformed bad girl, making amends for her dark days, she is likable. She still tells it how it is but is trying hard to be nicer to people. Her voice in this next installment felt even more authentic than the first one. As she slowly changes after joining the Sunshine Club, you can feel the things you love about her starting to slip away. Suddenly, she is becoming unreliable which is complete change from her strong, stable self in the first book. Seeing her fade into something completely other really does make you realize how incredibly strong she was in the first and by the ending, you are clamoring for her to find that strength again. Her journey doesn't disappoint.
Ms. Alender is a master in the art of subtly. You'd think a character completely changing who she is would be a huge red flag and easy to detect but I can't pinpoint when Alexis went from bad to cursed. Even though this is a first person narrative, her priorities and tone changing is so subtle that before you know it, she is a completely different narrator with only hints of the girl we know and love. Still using sight, sound, and sense to play with emotions and amp up the fright level, this novel is scary in an entirely new way. Though there isn't a physical presence of an antagonist, the fact that it was coming from within was enough to make it really truly scary. And just when you feel like you can't take anymore tension, a line jumps out to make you laugh before layering a new threat on thicker.
One of the most interesting aspects of this novel once again was the dynamic between Kasey and Alexis. Freshly out of the mental institution and hopping right into high school, Kasey is not the same girl she was in the beginning of the series and Alexis really doesn't know how to deal with her. I loved watching Kasey mature through this novel and to see Alexis's learn to lean on Kasey a little bit more. With their relationship always being Lexi taking care of Kasey, it was nice to see Kasey stepping up to the plate to show Lexi that she can carry some of the burden. There is a scene where Kasey cleans up Alexis in a bathtub that is partly touching and partly horrifying. It brings an entirely new layer to their complex relationship as sisters.
Generally speaking, I'm not big on plot since I'm willing to go for most things if I like the characters enough. And I really like these characters who continue to break through from their stereotypes in order to come alive on the page. But this story had a complex plot that will have you flipping the pages faster just to figure it out. The clues are sprinkled in so well that you don't really know what's happening until it does and I didn't even have time to try and reason out what was going to happen because I was so addicted to the words on the page. I caught the twists and turns only when the character did and I felt compelled to read "just one more chapter" until the 400+ pages melted into nothing in my hands.
Alexis's voice is believable, her journey long and winding but it doesn't feel like it. The ending reaches out for one final scare and will have the reader clamoring for the next novel. Even better than the first, with an entirely new kind of enemy and the same cast of familiar characters, From Bad To Cursed is a masterpiece. From its first fright to the last, it's scary good!
Plot = After witnessing how scary a ghost can get, Alexis continue with her life but when she met the Sunshine Club everything changes. At first she is just in it because of her sister Kasey but as she goes on she knows i Comments: how can I say this? Awesome ? No it was better than awesome it was a page turner you see I never get bored with this book. These are one of the books which I will spend my money buying it. The action scenes are great and it is never predictable which I love about it.
Plot = After witnessing how scary a ghost can get, Alexis continue with her life but when she met the Sunshine Club everything changes. At first she is just in it because of her sister Kasey but as she goes on she knows it's more deadly.
Characters = Alexis= this girl has always been my favorite, I love her kickass attitude and this book didn't change what I thought of her either. She is one strong character, I love how we gets a glimpse of her bad side this time I always wanted to see a good girl gone bad. I love how she softens with the people she cared about.
Kasey= now I love this girl, I always love the sisterly bonding it touched me a lot. I especially love the scene when Alexis tried to kill their family and she stopped her. I love he Kasey is always for Alexis. She has finally grown up which I love and how she is brave makes me proud of her a lot.
Carter= this first I love him but now a little off but still it's good..
Meagan= wow she changed a lot, but I am surprised how crazy she can get.
Taisha= I love how loyal she is, she is one great character.
Lydia= wow wow wow, I never knew this girl was that of a genius she appears to be a great girl
Aralt= this mysterious but dangerous guy, everyone loves bad boys but I bet on all my money you won't love this one bc this one takes souls...
Sunshine Club girls= this book is a out the Sunshine club the name sounds sweet but it is crazy, the girls Emily, Sophie and a lot more those poor girls ....
Cover= I believe that is Alexis the cover is stunning!!! I believe that is the basement where they are locked up in.
Writing= The writing is one great masterpiece, it is smooth and no hard vocab words the description of places and motions is the best!!
I totally recommend this book, page turner, every time I was yelling at the book saying don't go in there!! Lol ...more

I really like this series!
At first, the premise made me roll my eyes. Kasey knows better than to get involved in anything supernatural! Come on! But I was swept away with the story, and found it to be just as compelling as Bad Girls Don't Die. This one ends on a bit of a cliff-hanger, so I'm eager to find out what happens in the final book.
*4.5 stars*I really like this series!
At first, the premise made me roll my eyes. Kasey knows better than to get involved in anything supernatural! Come on! But I was swept away with the story, and found it to be just as compelling as Bad Girls Don't Die. This one ends on a bit of a cliff-hanger, so I'm eager to find out what happens in the final book.
What about your friends? What did you do to deserve to have only one? Why were your grades so low, why wren't you good at anythin Have you ever looked at yourself in the mirror and disliked what you saw? You probably didn't even look that bad, but you could easily point out every single flaw you had. You noticed everything that nobody else saw. Why was your face so greasy? Why were your eyes so close together? Why was your nose too big? And why in the world did your hair look like a rats nest?
What about your friends? What did you do to deserve to have only one? Why were your grades so low, why wren't you good at anything?
What if you could change all of that, make it better? Would you give something up for that? What if all you had to do was recitesome meaningless oath, just a couple sentences, and everything would be okay? You'd be popular! You would be beautiful, smart, athletic ... you would be living the perfect life! Would you do it?
Alexis would. Her younger sister, Kasey, was sent to a mental insutute a while back. She was cursed and she wasn't even herself anymore. Once, she even attempted to kill her family. Kasey was never the most popular girl, or the prettiest. When she came back, everybody thought she was crazy, a nutjob. You wouldn't think that she'd ever be known as anything but that crazy weird girl who went to a mental hospital. But she was. As fast as you could count to three, Kasey was living the perfect life. She has great hair, did her makeup just riight, and was finally in a group of friends. Not just any group of friends, though. The popular girls. The in-crowd. Kasey had it all.Amazing grades, great style, great looks, everything. Alexis doesn't want to believe her sister has gotten mixed up with the paranormal again, but the signs are all there and so she joins Kasey's Sunshine Club to investigate what is going on, not knowing she could lose her life - and her soul - in the process.
I can honestly say that this is one of the best books I have ever read. It pulls you in, leaves youi clinging to every word. You don't want to stop reading because you want to know what happens next. It's full of mystery, action, and relationship problem as well. nother reason I love this book is because, well, I don't know what I would do in Alexis's place. She had the choice to stop being the awkward lonely girl. She had the chance to be popular, smart, pretty, loved by everyone. I know that right now I think I wouldn't take that chance. I hope I wouldn't. But really, a lot of people would. I would recommend this to anybody who has a good taste in books. That's because I know that anyone would love it. ...more

Reasons to Read:
1.Creepiness Factor:
I actually found this book to be a lot creepier than the first. There wa
Reasons to Read:
1.Creepiness Factor:
I actually found this book to be a lot creepier than the first. There was so much in this book that I had to read again, so I could be sure that I had understood what I had read. If you were a little bit creeped out from the first book, you will definitely be with this one. There was definitely something very, very disturbing about his book the entire time I was reading it. It still won't keep you up all night afraid, though, which I was very glad to find.
2.Alex and Kasey's Relationship:
In the first book, we never really get to see a strong, established relationship between these two. And although at the beginning they are as far apart as ever, they gradually start to become closer and closer. You start to feel a really strong bond between to the two, particularly at the end of the book.
3.The Writing:
The writing in this book was absolutely brilliant. The change you see in Alex is very slow and gradual, so much I hardly even noticed it. You start to almost believe that the change is for the better. I found myself beginning to wonder why Alex had ever been apprehensive about joining the club. It was clearly benefiting her and everyone else who joined. A really good writer will be able to twist your thinking. Alender's writing did that to me.
I could come up with many more reasons, but I'll stop there. I don't want to ruin the book for you all. I will admit that the ending of this book is very frustrating since I'll have go wait a couple of months before the next one comes out. This book is very disturbing and creepy, but in a different way than the first book. If you enjoyed the previous novel, I'm fairly certain you will enjoy this novel as well.
Honestly I skipped most of the middle. I was very interested the first 100 pages or so but then Alexis was too heavy. Her character was just too much to take. I tried very hard to understand her acting but I couldn't. It's not like it was irrational, it was just dumb.
And the relationship with Carter was set on fire. Just for the hell of it.
I'm kinda sick of MCs who aren't allowed to be happy just for once. Really. I get
Honestly I skipped most of the middle. I was very interested the first 100 pages or so but then Alexis was too heavy. Her character was just too much to take. I tried very hard to understand her acting but I couldn't. It's not like it was irrational, it was just dumb.
And the relationship with Carter was set on fire. Just for the hell of it.
I'm kinda sick of MCs who aren't allowed to be happy just for once. Really. I get that there has to be a literary conflict (so that there is something to write about) but honestly that was too much at once.
Sadly I'm not gonna continue this series because it wouldn't be fair to the books. I've loved the first book and I would highly recommend but for me it has to stop there.
I'm sure I'm the minority here because the average ratings are very high, so don't mind my unpopular opinion.

This one was a bit more annoying than the first. The ghost thing wasn't as scary, it was just plain weird. Our ghost is Aralt, who was a total player when he was alive, in case you were wondering.
Basically he made tons of girls fall for him when he was alive, then he would break their hearts. Some of them went so mad that they committed suicide. Well, on his death bed, his current love interest, a gypsy kept his heart with her so his love could "belong to her forever" or something funky lik 3.5
This one was a bit more annoying than the first. The ghost thing wasn't as scary, it was just plain weird. Our ghost is Aralt, who was a total player when he was alive, in case you were wondering.
Basically he made tons of girls fall for him when he was alive, then he would break their hearts. Some of them went so mad that they committed suicide. Well, on his death bed, his current love interest, a gypsy kept his heart with her so his love could "belong to her forever" or something funky like that.
I should mention that this gypsy lived for almost two-hundred years, and was one of our characters (Tashi).
Tashi was the protector of the book where Aralt's spirit lived and with it, the Sunshine Club was made (horrendous name, I know). Basically, girls would take a special oath, and they'd pretty much turn perfect. They would get more beautiful,
smarter, more athletic, without doing anything. They were basically beautified zombies.
Aralt is actually evil, however (no surprise there).
So Aralt possessed Lydia, Alexis' kinda-no-really friend and made her fall in love with him yadda yadda yadda. He eventually kills her, blah blah blah I don't really feel like explaining.
Alexis completely changes in appearance in this book because of the dumb beauty club.
In this one, Kasey is actually the one that saves Alexis because she was smart enough not to take the stupid oath but still pretend to be a club member.
It was meh.
Alexis and Carter break up....yay.
She wins a photography scholarship because the judge is one of "Aralt's girls".
Apparently the ones that don't listen to Aralt die of an aneurysm or something.
Eventually, the good guys win. Except Lydia is dead.
I'm kinda over it.
Finally finished this! This book was cool and different. I like different.
Spooky? It was spooky but not as much as the first, besides seriously what could be creepier then dolls? So if you've survived that one with joy, then you'll survive this one with bliss! I was really into the book almost all the way... But then I got Heir of Fire and you can figure out the rest:) so this book is pretty grabbing.
I really wish Katie Alender was better at writing romance. It would make her story's
3.5 starsFinally finished this! This book was cool and different. I like different.
Spooky? It was spooky but not as much as the first, besides seriously what could be creepier then dolls? So if you've survived that one with joy, then you'll survive this one with bliss! I was really into the book almost all the way... But then I got Heir of Fire and you can figure out the rest:) so this book is pretty grabbing.
I really wish Katie Alender was better at writing romance. It would make her story's ten times better to have that in between break from the spooks. There was barely any romance in this book and when there was it was like...not appalling at all.
So yes I did enjoy it but there were quite a bit of areas it could of improved on. It's still a fun read and the main storyline is amazing. So if you're the person into creepy things, you should read this! And it's pretty short so a quick read too!
(P.S. Don't even get me started on the cover. LOVE THIS SERIES COVERS!)
Now, on to the story/plot. Alexis is the main focus as the one being "possessed". Well along with a group of other girls the Sunshine Club. But Alexis really takes on a leadership roll when things start falling apart she stands out as the leader, until things eventually go too far.
My favorite part of the story was the danger. I felt the author was able to hold my interest throughout the whole story and keep the mystery and creep-factor steady. This book was longer than the first, added a lot of different types of characters with the sunshine club. I was sad to see my interest in the romance between Alexis and Carter go bad, I liked their interaction more in the first book, but as things happened between them in this one, I don't think they'd make a good couple.
Although Aralt is the possessor and inside their heads mostly, I think he was my favorite character. He had depth and motive and the whole story really revolved around him, his past and what he has become. ...more

After reading the first book in this series, Bad Girls Don't Die, I knew I had to read From Bad to Cursed. I must admit that I was a bit wary of reading the next book as usually sequels aren't as good as the first book. However, all my worrying was in vain. This book turned out to be amazing just like the first.
Alexis and her little sister are back in this second book in the Bad Girls Don't Die se
(This review can also be found on my blog: The (Mis)Adventures of a Twenty-Something Year Old Girl).After reading the first book in this series, Bad Girls Don't Die, I knew I had to read From Bad to Cursed. I must admit that I was a bit wary of reading the next book as usually sequels aren't as good as the first book. However, all my worrying was in vain. This book turned out to be amazing just like the first.
Alexis and her little sister are back in this second book in the Bad Girls Don't Die series. Alexis is still worried about Kasey who has been in home for the mentally unstable. Kasey has come back home, and Alexis will do anything to keep Kasey safe. So when Kasey starts becoming more beautiful and starts making tons of new friends, including her sword enemy, Alexis gets suspicious. Alexis learns that Kasey is involved in a club called the Sunshine Club. However, the club isn't as nice as the name suggests. Alexis joins this club to find out what Kasey has gotten herself into this time. However, it soon becomes apparent that Alexis is in way over her head.
From Bad to Cursed is a good title for this book. In the story, things definitely go from bad to cursed so I can see why the author chose this title.
The cover of From Bad to Cursed looks incredibly creepy, not as much as the first book in the series, but still creepy. I'm not sure who's supposed to be on the cover. I thought it might be Kasey, but Alexis is more dominant in this story, so he could possible be Alexis. However, it still could be any member of the Sunshine Club. I do love the cover of this book, but just like Bad Girls Don't Die, I don't feel that it really gives much away about the story.
Again, Katie Alender is spot on with the world building! She makes you feel like you are experiencing everything that Alexis is. Alender makes you feel as if you're part of the Sunshine Club for this story. Everything just feels so realistic which is fantastic!
This is another book where I enjoyed the pacing very much. It was hard for me to put this book down to do anything else. Reluctantly, I did have to put this book down for some time, but as soon as I had free time, I was reading it again. This is such a fast paced story that you will not even notice the minutes flying by.
The wording in From Bad to Cursed is fantastic. It is easy to understand, and I also appreciate the fact that the teenagers speak like teenagers and not like the teens out of Dawson's Creek. I didn't notice any swear words, so fear not. The dialogue flows quite nicely.
All the characters in this book are all well developed with their each individual personalities. Alexis is a fantastic main character. I think everyone can relate to her in some way. I love Kasey!! I love how vulnerable she comes across as. She also comes across as being a bit more strong in this book. I love how she's grown. We also get to learn a bit more about Lydia in this story which I appreciated. However, Carter isn't mentioned too much in this story although he's still in it.
The whole plot in this book was well executed. It's a fantastic idea for a book. This book has me looking forward to the next book in the series, As Dead As It Gets. In fact, I ended up buying it today before I had even finished From Bad to Cursed. That's how much I love this whole series.
I'd recommend this book to everyone aged 13+. It is amazing!
From Bad to Cursed (Bad Girls Don't Die #2) by Katie Alender gets a 5 out of 5 from me.
Holy crap.
This series is seriously close to being my favorite YA ghost series ever. Like, really.
The story continues a few months after the events of the previous book. Kasey has went home from the mental institution she was sent to, and no evil spirits or ghosts have harmed Alexis. Then, all of a sudden, a new girl appears in their school, Adrienne, who Kasey eventually starts to get close to. Alexis soon finds out that Kasey's
This review is also available over at my blog._____________________
Holy crap.
This series is seriously close to being my favorite YA ghost series ever. Like, really.
The story continues a few months after the events of the previous book. Kasey has went home from the mental institution she was sent to, and no evil spirits or ghosts have harmed Alexis. Then, all of a sudden, a new girl appears in their school, Adrienne, who Kasey eventually starts to get close to. Alexis soon finds out that Kasey's friends have formed the Sunshine Club, and she and Megan decide to investigate.
Soon they find out that the group is based on a book, a book that contains a spirit named Aralt, who the Sunshine girls seem to worship and love, and he makes them all beautiful and popular and just lead a charmed life. Alexis ends up joining, along with Megan, and she even finds herself relishing her beauty and popularity. But it doesn't take long for things to crumble. And Alexis starts to wonder─what does Aralt get from all of this?
The supernatural aspect of this book is a little different from the first one. Because the spirit in question has been around for centuries, and many women and girls alike have had their own groups that worship Aralt. I especially loved the parts where we find out the history of Aralt and the book he lives in.
And also, we get to see the tables turning, and Alexis is now the girl who becomes too influenced and controlled by the spirit. We get to see how Aralt takes the wheels of her life and tells her the right things to say, always a presence in her mind. But we also get to see her start to fight back, eventually.
I can't even count the number of chilling scenes in this book. There were too many, and they all made my skin crawl. It was just so creepy how these girls were so devoted to Aralt. It was like The Stepford Wives: High School Edition or something. There's one scene in particular near the end, about thirty chapters or so in, that made my jaw drop straight through the floor and dig underground. It was probably the most chilling part of the whole book for me.
As for Alexis's romance with Carter, we don't get to see much of it in the book. Due to Aralt's presence, and the words he feeds into Alexis's mind, Carter pretty much becomes a stalking, love-struck zombie through most of the book. But we're also introduced to a new character: Jared, who I think might be a love interest in the next book. Although I'm not quite sure.
The ending wasn't really a cliffhanger, I guess. You could say it was, though, because I didn't waste any time in picking up the third book right away, since I bought the two of them at the same time. I just couldn't wait any longer, and I cannot wait to see what happens next.
If you haven't read this series then I strongly suggest you do. Wait, let me rephrase that. I demand that you do.
Go buy it. Right now. Go on, scram!
Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go and devour book three. :D

Cover Impressions: This cover fits really well with the first in the series. The girl has a seriously intense and chilling stare and begs the reader to ask whether she is emerging from the door or protecting what is within. While her expression is dark and menacing, her outfit is sweet and child-like, presenting a wonderful contrast. The scroll work on these covers always adds a delicate detail that adds interest.
The Gist: Alexis has
This and other reviews can be found on Reading Between ClassesCover Impressions: This cover fits really well with the first in the series. The girl has a seriously intense and chilling stare and begs the reader to ask whether she is emerging from the door or protecting what is within. While her expression is dark and menacing, her outfit is sweet and child-like, presenting a wonderful contrast. The scroll work on these covers always adds a delicate detail that adds interest.
The Gist: Alexis has spent the last few months in blissful normality. That is, until her sister Kasey is released from the mental hospital and promptly finds a group of friends who are a little too perfect. Worried that Kasey may be in over her head again, Alexis and her friend, Megan, join the Sunshine Club in order to protect her. The girls quickly learn that you never get beauty, poise and a launch up the social ladder without sacrifice.
Review: Alender really knows how to write her ghosts. First the evil doll-obsessed little girl and now a spirit that feeds on the teenage obsession to be pretty and popular. The novel starts off slowly, as each girl takes small steps towards "self-improvement" but features some truly chilling moments once the girls begin to depend on supernatural influences and to forget how they survived without them (the scene with Emily in the bathroom - HOOO BOY, that freaked me out a little).
Alexis is still a fairly unlikeable character. She mistrusts her friends and is reluctant to make any gestures of compassion and friendship towards her sister (she just got out of a mental hospital - invite her to some parties and don't make her eat lunch by herself - it is not that hard!). At one point she even asks herself when she turned into "The kind of person I claimed to hate" but doesn't appear to change her behavior. This gets worse as she begins to think and act like a teenage Stepford wife. Alexis' continued flaws did, however, allow me to see things from Lydia's point of view which may or may not play out in her favor in the final book.
Though this novel is the middle book in a series, I believe it could stand fairly well on its own. It does not suffer the same flaws as many middle books - where big secrets are rarely revealed and the plot only serves to prepare for the last novel. Here we have a real clear ending to one story, and the hint of the beginning of the next which made me want to jump right into As Dead As It Gets. Which is exactly what I am going to do as soon as the sun goes down!
Teaching/Parental Notes:
Age: 13 and up
Gender: Female
Sex: Kissing
Violence: Self harm with curling iron, hand to hand fighting, knifeplay
Inappropriate Language: None
Substance Abuse: None
Notable Quotables:
"Rule one: Don't be friends with ghosts."
"I felt the oddest combination of emotions – happiness and apprehension at the same time. Like my heart inflated and then ran away and hid under the bed."
"Look on the bright side, I told myself. It might not be ghosts. Maybe it was just drugs. Or blackmail."
Teenagers have a long history of searching for a way to feel beautiful and popular. The lengths some will go to (especially girls) can get really out-of-hand. That is definitely true in this novel! Kasey, who
From Bad to Cursed by Katie Alender is the second book in the Bad Girls Don't Die trilogy. I found a lot more depth and meaning in this novel than I expected to find! Beyond just containing a really creepy ghostly mystery, I think the characters' experiences added extra layers to the story.Teenagers have a long history of searching for a way to feel beautiful and popular. The lengths some will go to (especially girls) can get really out-of-hand. That is definitely true in this novel! Kasey, who was possessed by a vengeful ghost in the first book of the series, accidentally gets herself roped into another situation where she finds herself possessed. This time she drags her older sister Alexis and Alexis' best friend Megan along with her.
Alexis goes to a meeting of The Sunshine Club intending to put a stop to it to keep Kasey safe – but before long finds herself pledging loyalty to the god Aralt. The members start showing up to school looking much prettier…before long they realize they are also acing quizzes they didn't study for and attracting attention from the popular crowd that had ignored them in the past. Exactly what is Aralt doing with their lives?
I found the plot really engrossing – it is definitely a twisty-windy journey to find out exactly who/what Aralt is and how he is managing to control their lives. The plot is 100% contained in the novel, you definitely don't have to read the first book of the series to keep up with it (although I recommend doing so just so you have more background on the characters – and because this series is entertaining and creepy).
Putting aside the supernatural, the girls learn that sometimes being popular and gorgeous isn't worth all the trouble it takes. I'm not sure if Katie Alender meant readers to find so much depth in this part of the plot or not, but it definitely struck a chord with me. I thought the book overall gave a really great message.
I never stopped feeling like I was reading a book about characters – the writing didn't make me feel like a part of the story or like I was reading a book about real people. So, while the writing didn't quite live up to the plot – I definitely still recommend this series overall. Very interesting and very different from everything else on the shelves.
From Bad to Cursed is the sequel to the first book in the Bad Girls Don't Die series, Bad Girls Don't Die. Alexis' younger sister, Kasey. has returned home from a mental hospital after being possessed by a pugnacious and grudge-holding ghost who wreaked havoc on Alexis' town. Now, she tries to give Kasey a second chance and is ecstatic when she joins the Sunshine Club, where she is able to socialize with other girls who do not hold her unfortunate past against her. It is la
Reviewed by BF, age 12From Bad to Cursed is the sequel to the first book in the Bad Girls Don't Die series, Bad Girls Don't Die. Alexis' younger sister, Kasey. has returned home from a mental hospital after being possessed by a pugnacious and grudge-holding ghost who wreaked havoc on Alexis' town. Now, she tries to give Kasey a second chance and is ecstatic when she joins the Sunshine Club, where she is able to socialize with other girls who do not hold her unfortunate past against her. It is later on, though, that Alexis realizes that the girls in the club have pledged an oath to a benevolent ghost named Aralt. Trying to make sure that history doesn't repeat itself and that Kasey is not harmed by Aralt in ant way, Alexis and her best friend Megan join the Sunshine Club. The thing is, once they have joined, they cannot remember why they would want to hurt Aralt in the first place and slowly start to slip into his grasp.
The story started up well, but certain parts were dragged out longer then they should have been. The important scenes towards the end were too fast-paced, and the lesser scenes went at a slower-pace and even seemed to take up an entire chapter. I felt like the author should have made the first book a stand-alone book rather than a series, because to me, From Bad to Cursed was too confusing and the characters seemed to lose their touch. The same feeling of suspense from the first book wasn't there, and some scenes felt like they were repeats of others earlier on in the book. I would not recommend this book to someone.

The one thing that bother me, was the fact that Alexis seemed somewhat changed. In the first book Alexis didn't care about what other people thought, she'd be doing her thing and the hell with the people who thought
I was so excited to start this! Alexis was back and after loving the first book I could only imagine what her next adventure would be! And now that I've read it, I can't say it was as good as the first. But I reallyyyy liked the first so it was pretty hard to raise the bar even more.The one thing that bother me, was the fact that Alexis seemed somewhat changed. In the first book Alexis didn't care about what other people thought, she'd be doing her thing and the hell with the people who thought they could judge her!
But that didn't mean she was some heartless girl, because she wasn't. She was actually one of the nicest characters I've read about, they way she would take care of her sister was amazing.
In From bad to cursed, Alexis kind of loses herself, she became popular, new friends, cute boyfriend, and maybe that's why the whole Aralt thing got to her, no one is perfect and Alexis has her flaws, what I hated was that she was her brainwashed self for so long! And everything she would do would be petty and annoying.
Kasey was also very present in this book, and this time not so much as the reason, but more as the voice of reason of the adventure. (view spoiler)[ Don't forget that she was the one who stopped Alexis of going all Jack Torrance from "The Shinning" on her family. (hide spoiler)]
Carter was very little involved in this, which was sad, Carter has so much charisma and charm, he kind of reminds me of someone I know, actually.
The storyline was interesting, I'm getting used to having a lot of history tied to the mystery, which I really like.
Finally, the ending is promising...I wonder what will happen in the next book?
4 stars!
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So since it is a sequel I'm not going to review it as I review the other books (as I said before) because I don't really want to spoil anyone... which means that the only thing that I can actual
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So since it is a sequel I'm not going to review it as I review the other books (as I said before) because I don't really want to spoil anyone... which means that the only thing that I can actually say about it is that it didn't disappointed me at all...
I really really liked the first book of the series/trilogy, I actually can say that I loved it and I didn't know that the rest of the books were a sequel from the first book... in my opinion the first book ended quite well, so I didn't read the synopsis of the other two books because I really thought that it was the end of that story, of those characters... but I watched the book trailers on youtube (which was probably a mistake) and I got the idea that the stories of the three books were different from each others.
Even if I was thinking one thing and it ended to be a different thing I'm not disappointed with the second book, I'm not sad... I really continued loving the characters (not all of them obviously, I kind of started thinking that the main character can be a real asshole sometimes)... but I enjoyed the characters, I enjoyed the plot... I really think that Katie Alender writes really well, I like the way she describes stuff, I like the way she transforms her thoughts into reality.
5/21/18: I really enjoyed this one. It wasn't as good as the first one, in fact, I was really annoyed with both Alexis and Kasey this time around, but it was still enjoyable.
I don't understand why after everything Kasey went through in the last book, she would put herself in the position to go through it all again. Even worse, she put Alexis in the position she was in by failing to tell her about the oath and what exactly the Sunshine group was all about. I do find the parallels interesting between Kasey and Alexis' possession, and the way they both kind of mirrored each other's roles from the last book, but honestly, this whole book wouldn't have happened if Kasey had just been smarter.
Despite the annoyances I had, I still found this to be a good level of creepy and I look forward to reading the next book

Now Alexis has a boyfriend and a ton of friends. But her sister wanted to her to join this club and so she did and now she is popular pretty and really smart. But this book has a lot of twist and turns. But my favorite part is when Alexis knows there is a evil spirt in her so she is trying to destroy the book to get it out of her. So she is running because Lydia is chasing after her because she wants to get the book bad and does not want it to be destroyed. Finally Alexis gets to a gas station and is getting a bottle of hairspray to dump on the book and is getting ready to burn the book but then Lydia comes in and pours this chemical and she thinks she is going blind. But then Alexis gives the book to Lydia and she helps her. That is why I liked this book! ...more

When I got my hands on this, I was super happy! As usual, I devoured it like a maniac. This book didn't send chills as much as Bad Girls Don't Die did, but it's just as well written. I liked the unusual twist that she actually KNEW what was going on and didn't try to stop whatever was happening to here because she had seemed oblivious to the fact that they're worshipping something supernatural and reaping so
How do you give half a star? Haha, just to be clear, I give this book 4.5 stars. Not .5When I got my hands on this, I was super happy! As usual, I devoured it like a maniac. This book didn't send chills as much as Bad Girls Don't Die did, but it's just as well written. I liked the unusual twist that she actually KNEW what was going on and didn't try to stop whatever was happening to here because she had seemed oblivious to the fact that they're worshipping something supernatural and reaping so much benefits that could rival retirement. I also liked that she wasn't TOO oblivious that she forgot everything and why she joined the first place. I just didn't understand near the last parts,so she killed Lydia, yes and what happened to Megan? I thought Megan was not to be trusted. And in the last part, as I have understood, they went back to their imperfect and vulnerable selves, which would have meant that they were free from the oath, right? But in one part after that, she said that for all she knew Aralt was still inside her, so the oath wasn't forfeited? This makes me so confused! But then again, this might be a part of her next book. Hihi! Will be keeping an eye on this author!
Kasey was finally back home after the dangerous involvement with the vengeful spirit, Sarah. Things had been hard considering that people became suspicious of her disappearance. That's when the Sunshine Club got involved. There was a promise of betterment in all aspects if you let go and give in
Katie Alender has been consistent in making this book as good as the first one. I have high expectations for horror books because I am a fan of the genre, and so far this series hasn't been disappointing.Kasey was finally back home after the dangerous involvement with the vengeful spirit, Sarah. Things had been hard considering that people became suspicious of her disappearance. That's when the Sunshine Club got involved. There was a promise of betterment in all aspects if you let go and give in to Aralt. Alexis and bff Megan smelled trouble and were off to the save the day. Or was it they who needed the saving?
I absolutely loved the twist in this book. It wasn't as predictable as the first one. (view spoiler)[Kasey was the one saving the day when Alexis and Megan began devoting their lives to Aralt, even being blinded to hurt others in the way. I loved how the other characters from the previous book was again involved in this one. (hide spoiler)] I would have hoped to get to know the minor characters from the photography contest. Too bad they only appeared briefly.
I'm definitely reading the next book! :)
The protagonist is cursed and confused for a huge chunk of this book. It made the narration and progression of the story interesting and original. Ultimately, I was disappointed with the way we made it to the climax. Alexis clearly didn't know how to get herself out of this situation,
I enjoyed this much more than the first book in the series, Bad Girls Don't Die. More original and less predictable. It has some similar plot points and haunting feel to The Craft. That's obviously a huge positive.The protagonist is cursed and confused for a huge chunk of this book. It made the narration and progression of the story interesting and original. Ultimately, I was disappointed with the way we made it to the climax. Alexis clearly didn't know how to get herself out of this situation, but it felt like Katie Alender didn't know how either. Just some sloppy running around and decisions that didn't make sense compared to how Alexis behaved for the rest of the novel. In the end it didn't matter all that much. This is definitely a page turner, and I want to get my hands on the next one.
...moreShe attended high school at the Palm Beach County School of the Arts, studying Communication Arts. From there, she went on to the Florida State University Film School, which led her to her current hometown, a tiny ham
Katie Alender (rhymes with "calendar"!) grew up in South Florida. She is the third of four children (three girls and a boy) and the child of three very loving and encouraging parents.She attended high school at the Palm Beach County School of the Arts, studying Communication Arts. From there, she went on to the Florida State University Film School, which led her to her current hometown, a tiny hamlet on the West Coast known as "Los Angeles."
She enjoys writing, reading, sewing (especially quilts), gardening, photography, and hanging out with her husband, her daughter, and her dogs, Scooter and Frodo.
Her first brush with publication was the article "So You Want to Live On Mars?" published in Sassy magazine in December 1991.
...moreOther books in the series
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Because if you don't the whole world will know you're a monster."
"Don't move," Kasey whispered.
I stayed bent over.
"Drop the knife," she said.
"Excuse me, I'm using it," I said.
She swallowed hard. "For what?"
"Mom and Dad. You."
The pressure on my back increased. "Drop it, Alexis."
Drop it? Like I was a bad dog running around with a sock in my mouth.
"How long will this take?" I asked, setting the knife on the floor. "I'm in the middle of something."
Get in the bathroom," she said.
The faster I indulged her, the faster it would be over with. So I walked into the bathroom. She followed, kicking the knife toward the end of the hallway and flipping on the bathroom light.
"What's this all about, Kasey?" I asked, turning around. At the sight of my face, she gasped, and the point of the fireplace poker she was holding wavered in her hands. I realized a second too late that I'd missed my chance to grab it and smash it into the side of her head.
"What's happening to you?" she whispered.
I glanced in the mirror. The darkness had begun to spread from my mouth and eyes. It leached out in inky puddles with thin tendrils of black snaking out in delicate feathery patterns.
What's happening to me? What was she talking about?
"So you have a pointy stick," I said. "Big deal. get out of my way."
"What are you going to do?" I sneered.
"Poke me?"
'I'll hit you, Lexi." Her face was stony. "As hard as I have to."
Whatever. I'm really not in the mood.
"Can we talk about this in the morning?" I asked. After I kill you?
"No," her eyes hardened. "Get your toothbrush."
"Pick up your toothbrush, and stick it down your throat."
"Do it," she said.
"Ugh, fine. You're sick, you know that?"
"Get in the tub."
I stuck the toothbrush into my throat. Instantly, I gagged and doubled over.
"Do it again," she said.
"God Kasey," I cried. Stabbing people was one thing. But making them barf- that was just disturbing."
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